Calling all McLean youth basketball players, boys and girls in grades 4 through 6... basketball season is here. Practices have begun. This winter come join me for my elite youth basketball academy... you must have at least 2 years of previous basketball playing experience to sign up.. this is not a developmental academy. This academy is designed like an in-season practice. We will be covering everything from: transition drills shell drill defense how to guard the basketball how to space the court all the way down to jab step, shot fake and rip throughs and attacking the basket This will be a fast paced academy where it will be run similar to one of my elite youth basketball league practices I would run for team durant. So if you're serious about becoming an elite youth basketball player, come join me on Tuesdays after school this session.
01/21/2025, 01/28/2025, 02/04/2025, 02/18/2025, 02/25/2025, 03/04/2025, 03/11/2025, 03/18/2025
Participants must currently be in grades 4 to 6.
Minimum: 11
Maximum: 24
Registration starts on 01/06/2025 and ends on 01/14/2025.
Room: Gym
Please contact Baroody Camps, Inc if you have any questions.